On May 29th, Eleventh-grade students Carolina Abaunza, Tomás Sierra, and Juanita Onofre participated in the Virtual Science Fair, organized by The Globe Program.
This Virtual Fair was part of the XVII Regional Meeting of Latin America and the Caribbean, held every year and attended by schools and universities from Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Colombia.
Rochester school participated in the presentation “Collecting data from the atmosphere and hydrosphere in our school,†carried out in February 2020. The students and their teacher Diego Mendivelso, who coordinated the project, explained how they used the school as a living classroom to learn how to use Globe’s rigorous measurement protocols. With the support of Julieth Lara, a laboratory assistant, they were able to take atmospheric measurements such as temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, level of cloudiness, precipitation, and data from the reservoir such as alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrates, and salinity. After analyzing the results, the students made correlations between the different data and reached conclusions about the school’s positive environmental state.
Congratulations to our students Carolina, Tomás, and Juanita, who represented the school in this Virtual Fair and supported with their interest that the school continues to participate in The Globe Project, endorsed by NASA.
In the following link, you can see the recording of the presentation.
El pasado 29 de mayo, los estudiantes Carolina Abaunza, Tomás Sierra y Juantia Onofre del grado 10º, participaron en la Feria Virtual de Ciencias, organizada por The Globe Program.
Esta Feria Virtual formó parte de la XVII Reunión Regional de América Latina y el Caribe que se celebra cada año y contó con la participaron colegios y universidades de Perú, Brasil, Argentina, Uruguay y Colombia.
El colegio Rochester participó con la ponencia “Recogiendo datos de la atmósfera e hidrósfera en nuestro colegioâ€, llevada a cabo en Febrero de 2020. Los estudiantes, junto con el docente Diego Mendivelso, quien coordinó el proyecto, explicaron cómo usaron el colegio como aula viva para aprender a usar los rigurosos protocolos que exige Globe en la toma de mediciones. Con el apoyo de Julieth Lara, auxiliar de laboratorio, lograron tomar mediciones atmosféricas tales como la temperatura, humedad relativa, presión barométrica, nivel de nubosidad y precipitación; asÃ