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High School Sport Games

From the Physical Education Area, we recognize the sportsmanship of the students of High School who have been participating in the Intercursos Sports Games in the preliminary phase, with the following sports disciplines: Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Swimming, and Ultimate: Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Swimming, and Ultimate.

Desde el Área de Educacion Física, reconocemos el espíritu deportivo de los estudiantes de Bachillerato Alto, quienes han venido participando en los Juegos Deportivos Intercursos en la fase preliminar en las disciplinas deportivas de: Fútbol, Baloncesto, Voleibol, Natación y Ultimate.

Norberto León Ortiz

Aquatic Sports Teacher

Physical Education Curricular Coordinator

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Inspirar e educar os alunos para que assumam o controlo das suas vidas com o mundo em mente. 

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