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Wellness Center Message- Connecting Room

One of the virtues we foster at Rochester School is Integral Health. It means having a balance between our spiritual, mental-emotional, physical and social health. As part of the Wellness Center, the Connecting Place in Elementary, Middle and High School, provides a safe space for students who are looking for a place to regain their balance, receive guidance or solve relationship problems.

This past few weeks, students in High School have attended a series of workshops, designed to clarify pictures about the space, share information and develop a mindful/de-stressing activity.  According to their level, students arrived at the Connecting Place to take part in a circle meeting with their mentors and the Connecting Place coordinator. There they did an origami figure that represented their journey. It will become part of the decoration and ambience of the room.

Also, 9th graders folded paper to build up stars (the light that shines through them at the beginning of their High school journey). 10th graders did butterflies (creatures that represent evolution and change). 11th graders did boats (representing their progress in defining their life goals) and 12th graders folded airplanes (representing their departure from School life towards achieving their mission). 

We hope that all members of the community feel that they can use this place to regain their balance whenever they feel it is necessary.

Resumen: una de las virtudes que fomentamos en el Colegio Rochester es la Salud Integral; tener un equilibrio entre nuestra salud espiritual, mental-emocional, física y social. Como parte del Centro de Bienestar, el Lugar de Conexión tanto en Primaria como en Escuela Media y Bachillerato ofrece un refugio seguro para los estudiantes que buscan un lugar para recuperar el equilibrio, recibir orientación o resolver problemas de relaciones.

En las últimas semanas, los estudiantes de Bachillerato han asistido a una serie de talleres, diseñados para aclarar imágenes sobre el espacio, compartir información y desarrollar una actividad consciente y relajante. Según su nivel, los estudiantes llegaron al Lugar de Conexión para participar en una reunión en círculo con sus mentores y la coordinadora del Lugar de Conexión. Luego, realizaron una figura de origami que representa a cada nivel y que se convertirá en parte de la decoración y el ambiente de la sala.

Esperamos que todos los miembros de la comunidad perciban que pueden usar este espacio para recuperar el equilibrio cuando lo consideren necesario.

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Inspirar e educar os alunos para que assumam o controlo das suas vidas com o mundo em mente. 

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