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Dana Pao and Colegio Rochester Recognized Internationally – Staff Achievements

Para o ano letivo de 2019-20, o Colegio Rochester adoptou várias novas séries de manuais de inglês criadas pela National Geographic Learning (NGL), uma parte da Cengage Learning, para alinhar melhor o nosso currículo de inglês com as melhores práticas no ensino da língua inglesa e apoiar o nosso compromisso com a sustentabilidade e a cidadania global. Estes recursos de ensino e aprendizagem apoiam a nossa abordagem interdisciplinar porque integram a aprendizagem da língua com conteúdos do mundo real relacionados com a ciência, a geografia, a história, a arte e outras disciplinas. Este método ajuda os alunos a estabelecerem ligações que desenvolvem o pensamento crítico e a resolução criativa de problemas para as suas experiências de vida, bem como a desenvolverem as suas competências académicas na língua inglesa para estudos e carreiras futuras. As unidades destes livros centram-se no desenvolvimento da língua e de outras competências de que os nossos alunos necessitam para serem cidadãos globais do século XXI felizes, responsáveis e bem sucedidos.

In 2020, National Geographic Learning decided to develop a new textbook series, Lift, to prepare multilingual teenagers with the academic language and literacy skills they need to study cross-curricular subjects and literature from around the world, participate in academic discussions, and apply themselves in and out of the classroom. The development of Lift included academic advisors from prestigious educational organizations, such as the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Center for Global Education, International Baccalaureate, Vanderbilt University’s School of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, and Wisconsin Center for Education Research. After the initial draft was created, they sought expert reviewers from Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe, and the United States. NGL invited Ms. Dana, our Academic Director for Grades 4-12, to represent Latin America and provide feedback and recommendations on how to improve the quality of the content, teaching strategies, and assessment practices. One of her several recommendations was to ground each unit in Essential Questions to promote student inquiry. The series was just released in print and acknowledges Dana and Colegio Rochester for their contribution to this international publication. Furthermore, National Geographic Learning is entering Lift into the British Council ELTons Awards for innovation in English language teaching (ELT). This year marks the 20-year anniversary of the ELTons, the only international awards celebrating the latest innovations in English language learning and teaching, and the creators behind them. The publisher requested permission from Ms. Dana to use some of her feedback for their application:

“I value that the Lift series recognizes the importance of instilling global competence and connects it to service learning projects inspired by National Geographic Explorers. From my experience, teaching and developing global competence is in its infancy stage in many programs. Most schools have service learning as part of their programs, but many only scratch the service at a global citizenship level.†We are very proud of Dana’s effort and achievement, and for launching Colegio Rochester’s name onto the international stage related to English language teaching.

Guiselle Rincón Grade 6 Real World English Teacher and Grade 8 Family Coordinator

Resumen:Para el año académico 2019-20, el Colegio Rochester incorporó varias series nuevas de libros de texto de Inglés, creados por National Geographic Learning (NGL), una parte de Cengage Learning, para alinear mejor el currÃ

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