Last Friday, October 30th, we were able to celebrate Halloween in compliance with all the biosafety measures. Our students and teachers enjoyed this celebration and felt very happy and excited! From Pre-K to 11th Grade, our students were very creative and used different hairstyles. Our seniors dressed up as Charleston dancers remembering the 20’s. Congratulations for your incredible creativity! A big applause to them! Additionally, the entire school community was invited to participate in the #RochesterJerusalemaChallenge. This beautiful African song, Jerusalema, went viral, has become a symbol of resilience, and describes how joy and laughter can still be part of our lives.
We believe this to be an achievement, as despite the difficult times we are all facing, we are part of a community that cares about one another and makes every effort to continue enjoying the beauty of small and simple things in life. Congratulations to our school which was also one of the 3 schools to make headlines in a video interview about “How should we celebrate Halloween in the new reality?”, by the important online education magazine “EDU.CO“. Click here to enjoy the pictures and the video interview to our Vice-President & Public Relations Coordinator, Patricia Aljure.
Resumen: El viernes pasado, 30 de octubre de 2020, logramos celebrar el Halloween en perfecto cumplimiento de las medidas de bioseguridad. Nuestros estudiantes y profesores disfrutaron de esta celebración y se sintieron emocionados y felices! Desde Pre-Kinder a Undécimo Grado, los estudiantes fueron muy creativos y utilizaron diferentes estilos de peinados. Nuestros estudiantes de último grado se disfrazaron de bailarines de Charleston, evocando los años 20. ¡Felicitaciones por su gran creatividad! ¡Un gran aplauso para todos! Adicionalmente, toda la comunidad fue invitada a participar en el #RochesterJerusalemaChallenge. Esta bella canción africana, Jerusalema, se volvió viral, se ha convertido en un sÃ