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Entrevistar os nossos antigos alunos: Embaixador do Reino dos Países Baixos

“Dream. Take opportunities. Be happy in the things you doâ€. Fernando Grillo.

O novo embaixador do Reino dos Países Baixos é Fernando Grillo. Estudou na Rochester School e licenciou-se em 1984, a primeira turma a licenciar-se na nossa escola!

One of his goals as an ambassador is to strengthen the relationship between universities in Colombia and universities in the Netherlands. He wants to allow more Colombian students the opportunity to have a high-quality education in the Netherlands. When we asked Fernando what his challenges were, he answered the following: “The biggest challenge I had in my path to become ambassador was to negotiate with all the workers’ unions of the state. I did it when I was working as director of the Civil Service. This was a great challenge because it meant representing the state in a negotiation that affects one million two hundred thousand people. That is the number of public employees in Colombia”.

Quando perguntámos ao Fernando o que recordava da nossa escola, ele usou estas três palavras: Criatividade, Empenho e Legado. É assim que ele se lembra da nossa escola: Uma família que se dedica à educação. 

Thank you, Fernando! We are incredibly proud of all the achievements our alumni accomplish every day. Thank you so much for continuing Rochester School’s legacy, your legacy.

Mario Nicolás Osorio Alumni Coordinator

Resumen: esta semana tuvimos el placer de entrevistar a un exalumno que se graduó en el año 1984, Fernando Grillo. Fernando nos comentaba sobre su más reciente logro cuál fue ser el nuevo embajador de Colombia en los PaÃ




Solicita Admisión

Inspirar e educar os alunos para que assumam o controlo das suas vidas com o mundo em mente. 

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