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Mitigating Climate Change

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On Saturday, February 1st, we will start once again our “Tree Planting Days” program at the Tiquiza Vereda in Chía, Cundinamarca. It will be an enriching day where students and parents of 8th and 9th Grade will participate. 

Duncan Brack, an independent environmental policy analyst, in his report “Forest and Climate Change” (2019), prepared for the fourteenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests mentions the following: 

Forests play a critical role in the Earth’s climate system, in a number of different ways. Most importantly for global climate change, they capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it, through photosynthesis, into living biomass: tree trunks, roots, branches and leaves. Forests also store carbon in forest soils, absorbed through leaf litter, woody debris and roots…[in addition] forests play important roles in producing and regulating the world’s temperatures and fresh water flows,…(…)…forests contribute to atmospheric moisture and rainfall patterns over land,…(…)…[and] forests also influence local temperatures, providing a cooling effect through transpiration and shade.

Rochester School is committed to mitigate climate change and contribute to maintain Earth’s climate system. With this in mind, the purpose of the “Tree Planting Days” program is to share a morning in which we contribute to the protection, restoration and promotion of the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. As a statistical data, to understand the importance of this program, it should be taken into account that 0.14 hectares of trees are cut down every hour in Colombia. Rochester School has about 2.8 hectares, which means that every 20 hours an area equivalent to that of our School is cleared out. Our action of planting 800 trees this coming Saturday will help to mitigate the effects of CO2 emissions and rethink our daily actions so that they are sustainable. Likewise, with the planting of 800 native trees, it is evident how our community acts in a concrete way to contribute to the recovery of the “Quebrada Tiquiza” that supplies water to the aqueduct of the Municipality of Chía, which was affected by the logging of the native forest.

Being sustainable is possible! Be part of this initiative!


Brack, D. (2019). Background Analytical Study Forests and Climate Change. Retrieved from:

Jorge Quintero Sustainability Director

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Resumen: El día sábado, 1 de febrero, iniciaremos nuevamente nuestro programa de “Siembra de árboles” en la Vereda de Tiquiza en el Municipio de Chía, Cundinamarca. Como dato estadístico cada hora se talan 0.14 hectáreas en Colombia. El Colegio Rochester tiene alrededor de 2.8 hectáreas; lo que significa que cada 20 horas se tala un área equivalente a la de nuestro Colegio. Nuestra acción de sembrar 800 árboles, el día sábado, contribuirá a mitigar los efectos de las emisiones de CO2 y a repensar nuestras acciones diarias para que sean sostenibles.

Ser sostenible es posible: ¡Sé parte de esta iniciativa!

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