For the School Management, it is always an honor to receive in PreK the children from our alumni because they have been part of our community for many years. It is with great pride and pleasure that we welcome five of them from different classes, as follows:
Pedro Aristizábal: Son of Adolfo Aristizábal and Carolina Hernández, Prom 1998
Gabriela Espinosa: Daughter of Carolina Rodríguez, Prom 1995
Samuel Bossio: Son of Alejandro Bossio, Prom 1995
Matilde Vásquez: Daughter of Carlos Mauricio Vásquez, Prom 1988
Sara Gómez: Daughter of Gonzalo Gómez, Prom 1991 and Diana Almonacid 1997
María Del Mar Tamayo – Daughter of Diego Tamayo and Ángela Silva, Prom 2001
Thank you for your confidence and support of our Educational Project and we will lovingly embrace the legacy you put in our hands today. Welcome Pedro, Gabriela, Samuel, Matilde, Sara and María del Mar! As our anthem says, May God keep us together and guide us through the paths of wisdom!
Resumen: Es un gran honor y placer recibir a los hijos de nuestros exalumnos, quienes han depositado su confianza y legado en nuestro proyecto educativo. ¡Bienvenidos Pedro, Gabriela, Samuel, Matilde, Sara y María del Mar! Como dice el himno del colegio, que Dios nos mantenga juntos y nos guíe por el camino de la sabiduría.
Iliana Aljure Vice-principal