Pre-kindergarten students are working with the elements of each artistic language, making an approach to arts, music and dance, through sensory and expressive explorations such as color, textures, sound, rhythm, graphic gestures, movement and spontaneous aesthetics through their imagination.
Their creations are the evidence of their own experiences when exploring the world around them. They are artists in all their splendor and our mission as teachers is to guide them in this creative process, encouraging experimentation, communication, expression of ideas and curiosity. Take a look at the learning evidences of their creations:
Resumen: El arte en las Aulas de Preescolar: Todo Niño es un Artista. Los niños de Prejardín están trabajando con los elementos de cada lenguaje artístico realizando un acercamiento a la plástica, la música y la danza, mediante exploraciones sensoriales y expresivas tales como: el color, las texturas, el sonido, los ritmos, el gesto gráfico, el movimiento y la estética espontánea a través de su gran imaginación
Carolina Jiménez Preschool Visual Arts Teacher
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